Family Remington Rifle

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Family Remington Rifle

Post by jats4426 »


Happy new year to all. I was wondering if anyone could possably help me to I.D anew piece that I recived from my Dad ,whos Dad gave it to him ?Ill start with the most visual on the breech end first,Remington Model 30ExpressS.N.#15143 ,bolt action,with a Lyman peep, finely graduated for elevation and windage.The graduated elevation side has a four point buck jumping thru apeep sight.and the trigger is deeply curved(smaller radius) then most guns that I have. finally the barrell,30-06 I belive,the easy stuff again,SPRINGFIELD 30CAL.1906 (left hand side). On the right hand side,looks to me what appers to be starting from where the barrel meets reciver,a small + ,then a elongated circle with R.E.P.inside it.then below and just to the left what appers to be an upside down, left diagonal J. just ahead of REP, is a six pointed star. Ahead of that is a 3/4 circle with a short line hanging out of the bottom of it. and right in front of that are the letters 0Y. The barrel is appr. 24"-0" long. and finally the front sight is clamped around barrel and appears to be missing sight guard.Thanks for letting me drag on but any help would be appreciated. Thank you John Schlegel P.S I almost forgot where do I start as far as loads?the rifle is in very good shape!!

Post by Guest »

Can't help you with the model or any other info on the rifle specifically.
Regarding loads; after a gunsmith certifies the thing as safe to shoot, why not just some factory ammo? If you really want to use roll-your-own, it would make most sense to start with the bottom of the range listed in the manual for whatever powder you use, and work up from there until you seem to be getting good accuracy. Assuming the rifle is safe to shoot, you shouldn't be able to do any harm using the starting loads listed by any powder manufacturer. Not sure I'd want to push the envelope towards the higher end with any older rifle though.

Btw, is this a slow period for this forum? Or is is just not heavily used? I'd love to get some feedback on the target rifle that I posted about. Can you suggest anywhere else to go that might be mroe likely to result in answers? This is my first attempt at finding a forum specifically related to Remington rifles. My first Remington rifle, for that matter.
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